


Telehealth services offered in Louisville, KY

Telehealth services are a preferred form of health care for many people, saving them the time, trouble, and costs of office visits. Simplicity Transitional Health, which helps patients comfortably transition from a hospital, rehabilitation facility or other inpateint care back into their homes. Call Simplicity Transitional Health or schedule your next telehealth visit online today.

Telehealth Q & A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is a form of medicine that takes place using technology to communicate instead of meeting in person. Rather than going to an office or facility to talk to a specialist, you can simply log on using your computer, phone, or tablet to complete your appointment remotely. 

Simplicity Transitional Health uses a telehealth model to provide convenient care for patients transitioning from a hospital or other facility back into their homes. You can access this care from the comfort of your home, which means you can relax and recharge as you recover after inpatient care. 

Telehealth services are fully confidential, secure, and HIPAA-compliant, just like any other doctor’s visit. 

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth services offer considerable benefits for you as a patient regardless of your reasons for using them. You can talk to your provider using a phone call or video chat or exchange private messages between appointments. 

Using telehealth services with Simplicity Transitional Health has many benefits, including:

  • No travel time
  • No travel costs
  • No waiting room time
  • Fewer scheduling conflicts
  • Care in the comfort of your home
  • Increased access to the team of specialists
  • Limited contact to minimize disease transmission

Even if you have to leave town, you can keep your appointments since you can access telehealth care from anywhere you like. This means you can complete your appointment in your office, hotel room, or even in your car. 

Which services are available through telehealth?

Simplicity Transitional Health specializes in providing transitional care as you move from a hospital or other care facility back into your residence. This transition comes with many changes as you no longer have 24/7 supervision. 

You might require these telehealth services for:

  • Chronic disease management
  • Wound care
  • Post-hospitalization care
  • Post-rehabilitation facility care

Transitional telehealth ensures that you know how to best care for yourself back at home so you can manage your health and maintain your quality of life.

Telehealth services simplify your transitional care and allow you to stay in the comfort of your home. Call Simplicity Transitional Health or schedule your next transitional telehealth visit online today.